Thursday, 31 July 2008

not long (enough!) to go

With only a couple of weeks left to go, I had hoped to have done a few more miles training but there is still time to address that.. I think as long as I get a few mid 40 miles rides in before the start then I should be ok although I am struggling to find enough hills to really build the hill climbing muscles (I hate hills by the way - which does make me wonder why we are cycling across the lake disctrict hills and the pennines - a tour of Holland sounds much nicer)

We have stepped it up over the last couple of weeks and the riding has seen definate improvemnt as has my stamina in my twice weekly footy games (no mention of improving skill you will note!)

Doing a 34 mile ride in the heat of last Sunday really brought home the need for fluids and salts when riding - I drank over 2.5 litres and was still de-hydrated - so much so that we were forced to stop in a pub on the way home to take on valualble liquids and salt and vinegar crisps..

Also the effects of the blazing sun on an uncovered (thinning!) head didnt help.. Maybe I should wear a helmet like the rest of my saftely concious friends..

Carl (front gears, bottom braket (not a medical complaint) and brkaes) leads the way with most things broken on his bike with me (puncture), jim (rear light) and spor (front gears / brakes) all vying for second spot. Hopefully there wont be nay more mechanical issues to come- for the bikes or us!!

Sponsorship is coming in thick and fast which is really pleasing. I sent an email and facebook email out yesterday and the response has been brilliant so thanks to all who have taken the trouble to sponsor us.. It means alot.

Steve (or Ste or Till or what ever you know me by)

Thursday, 24 July 2008


Well this week we decided to up the training by a level, rather than just upping the mileage we also upped the hill climbs (nice..not).
Till and I did a ride of 25 miles on Monday that included various climbs that managed to kill off my bikes bottom bracket giving me a serious 'clunk' and jumping peddle for the last 7 miles.

Well after a replacement bracket was fitted by 'Jack Gee's' of Northwich on Tuesday we ventured out again on Wednesday numbers swelled from 2 to 4 with Rich and Jim along for company.We did roughly the same ride but added a few more miles to get my computer reading 32 miles when I got home, the only interrupted was a well deserved pint at the white barn on the way home.
Rich was doing his Steven Spielberg bit and a few pic's/short film may surface in the next few days dependent on his free time prior to his altitude training in the south of France (don't get too much altitude on a sun lounger with a glass of wine).

Anyway next ride is scheduled for Sunday so need a few days sleep.....


Friday, 18 July 2008

Upcoming Newspaper Article

Just to let everyone know that we had our photograph taken by a photographer for the Northwich Guardian. I'll post a link to the story when I get the info.

UPDATE - 05-AUG-2008

Unfortunately, the article isn't in the online version of the newspaper (i.e. it's not accessible from the internet), but it is in the current edition of the printed paper, that was published last week (30th July?)

Monday, 14 July 2008

Early Training Photo

Carl, Pete, Doug and Steve doing some early training in Delamere Forest.

Friday, 11 July 2008

Finish Point of the Ride

The following map is the finish of the ride, at Sunderland.

C2C Finish Point map

Thursday, 10 July 2008

C2C Trailer

Here's a little teaser of what's to come......Rich

Monday, 7 July 2008

Start Point of the Ride

The following map is of the start point of the ride.

C2C Start Point map


Well just a small update on what I have been doing up to this point we started out on some steady rides back in May 14-15 miles and fairly flat, when we have had the chance a few of us have been out and built up to 25 miles with some hill's included.
For myself a person that hadn't ridden a bike for 15 years this has been OK I'm not the fittest person by any means (years of abuse in the pub only held at bay by footy on a Thursday and as many Mondays as work will allow) but as long a Doug didn't see any hills (he has a crazy idea that hills are there to be ridden up) the pace felt right.
The idea is to up the mileage at a steady rate until were doing between 45-50 miles regularly just before the ride, this SHOULD get us somewhere near prepared for what is to come.

As we all have lives,loved ones and families getting the time to get out as a group has proved difficult but I know that all the lads are determined to complete this challenge and more to the point do it as a team ( which is great for us unfit one's when it comes to the hills, I have a tow rope).

Any way as I said just a quickie to get things started and hopefully there will be more from the other lads and pic's to follow........


This blog is intended to track the progress of an intrepid bunch of 6 football-playing mates in their attempt to complete the Coast To Coast (C2C) cycle ride from Whitehaven (in the North-West of England) to Tynemouth (the North-East of England) in 3 days, from the 15th of August until the 17th August. We shall be posting bulletins, photo's video's and route maps on here, and also publicising our other sponsors.

The ride is (in part) to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity, which is our nominated charity.

The cyclists are:
  • Carl Ellams
  • Rich Perry
  • Jim Perry
  • Steve Till
  • Pete Gould
  • Doug Gould
They will be assisted by the support team, which consists of:
  • Jon Whitwam
The pictures below shows the whole team.

If you would like to help us, please visit our page on the JustGiving site, which can be found at: ThursdayNightFooty. All donations gratefully received, no matter how small.