Thursday, 24 July 2008


Well this week we decided to up the training by a level, rather than just upping the mileage we also upped the hill climbs (nice..not).
Till and I did a ride of 25 miles on Monday that included various climbs that managed to kill off my bikes bottom bracket giving me a serious 'clunk' and jumping peddle for the last 7 miles.

Well after a replacement bracket was fitted by 'Jack Gee's' of Northwich on Tuesday we ventured out again on Wednesday numbers swelled from 2 to 4 with Rich and Jim along for company.We did roughly the same ride but added a few more miles to get my computer reading 32 miles when I got home, the only interrupted was a well deserved pint at the white barn on the way home.
Rich was doing his Steven Spielberg bit and a few pic's/short film may surface in the next few days dependent on his free time prior to his altitude training in the south of France (don't get too much altitude on a sun lounger with a glass of wine).

Anyway next ride is scheduled for Sunday so need a few days sleep.....


1 comment:

Jon Whitwam said...

Did you have a chat with Jack Gee?